Youth's Reflection Week 01

"Youth Behavioral Change and Leadership"

If people ask me whether youth role is “just being the good citizen”, I will reply them no, it isn’t. As for me, youth role in society is always about something more essential and more impactful than that: it’s about inspiration, a good role model, and development.

Alright, it was worthwhile for spending my Saturday afternoon to attend this sharing session on a very interesting topic which is about “Youth Behavior Change and Leadership.” I have learnt and understood more than I expected. In Cambodia, youth makes up the majority around 30% of the total populations (2008 statistic), so if we give the power to youth, it will faster their capability and willingness to take effective action for better development. Nonetheless, leadership is the greatest pathway for all youth-leader to demonstrate a good role model for the young generations.

One question reminded my past from Ms. Chenda; a guest speaker during this session. It was “why volunteer?” Then it reflected me back to when I was in grade 10 and I asked myself “why?” By the way, I just realized that I might have no clear purpose yet my curiosity is the best answer for the questions. Maybe it’s because of being curious and confident has made me to be who I am today. In addition, during the session, all trainees were asked to share their strength and fix-ness points. I really appreciated everyone for their open-mindedness without shyness and guilt. Personally, I think being confident is not enough but being acceptable and improvable are what we should learn and practice.

After that, we played some games to enhance the closeness, team spirit and leadership among us in which everyone was very awesome. Beyond that, we have learnt about leadership and team building concepts. It gave me new ideas of leadership: leadership is more than just to empower the next generations to be young leaders as we did but it is a process of giving them clues to reach the stage.

In conclusion, the first training session went wonderfully. I really appreciated the organizers and guest speakers for their time, heartfelt sharing and arrangement in this session. Furthermore, I do encourage all trainees to involve, discuss, be confident, and share more. In the next training session, this young knowledge-hunger kid is ready to learn and ready to be inspired with the new perspectives as well as the journey with CaMSafe.

By Mr. Tim Sovannarong, CaMSafe Youth 2017, 2017-05-24