គំរោងរួមជាមួយរ៉ូតារីភ្នំពេញមេត្រូ និងរ៉ូតារ៉ាក់ក្លឹប-Project contribution with Phnom Penh Metro Rotary and Rotaract Club

គំរោងរួមជាមួយរ៉ូតារីភ្នំពេញមេត្រូ និងរ៉ូតារ៉ាក់ក្លឹបដោយបានឧបត្តម្ថនូវបន្ទប់ទឹក ធុងស្ដុកទឹក គូរគំនូនៅលើជញ្ជាំងសាលា បង្កើតនៅបណ្ណាល័យដ៏ស្រស់ស្អាតនិងផ្ដល់សៀវភៅរឿងទៅកាន់សាលា ការបង្រៀនក្មេងៗអំពីរបៀបនៃការលាងដៃអោយបានស្អាត ការតុបតែងនិងសម្អាតថ្នាក់រៀននិងការបង្រៀននូវវគ្គខ្លីសង្គ្រោះបឋមទៅដល់ឪពុកម្ដាយសិស្ស នៅភូមិក្រពុំឈូក ឃុំកំពាន់ ស្រុកមេមត់ ខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ។

Project contribution with Phnom Penh Metro Rotary and Rotaract Club in providing bathrooms, water-tank, classroom, library, school compound decoration, hand washing, and first-aid training for parents & teachers to a Kropum Chouk primary school located in Kamporn commune, Memot District, Tbong Khmum province.

Let’s Move Together!
Optimizing Youth Participation in Community Development Society

Eco-Hero (New)

ចំណាយត្រឹមតែ$6 ក្លាយទៅជាEcoHero សម្រាប់បរិស្ថាន? Wowឡួយម៉េស ធ្វើមិចទៅ? មិនស្មុគស្មាញដូចអ្នកស្មានទេ គ្រាន់តែទម្លាក់ចោល រឺកាត់បន្ថយនូវទម្លាប់ប្រើប្រាស់ផ្លាស្ទិកដែលមិនចាំបាច់ រឺអាចជំនួសបានដោយការប្រើប្រាស់ជាអ្វីដែលមិនមែនជាផ្លាស្ទិក ជាក់ស្ដែងគឺដបទឹកអុីណុករបស់ពួកយើងអាចជួយអោយអ្នកទម្លាក់ចោលនូវទម្លាប់ប្រើប្រាស់ដបជ័រ ដាក់ទឹក កាហ្វេ រឺភេសជ្ជៈ ដែលជាការបំផ្លាញបរិស្ថានមួយថ្ងៃបន្តិចៗដោយមិនដឹងខ្លួនរបស់អ្នក។ នៅមានទៀត ដបទឹកអុីណុករក្សាកម្ដៅ និងភាពត្រជាក់មួយនេះ ក៏អាចអោយអ្នកក្លាយសប្បុរសជនចូលរួមបរិច្ចាកម្នាក់ដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិសម្រាប់ក្មេងៗព្រោះថា ថវិការមួយចំណែកនៃការចំណាយរបស់អ្នកមកលើដបទឹកនេះនឺងក្លាយទៅជាវិភាគទានក្នុងការទិញសម្ភារៈសិក្សា ជូនដល់កុមារតូចៗចំនួន200អ្នកនៅសាលាបឋមសិក្សា បឹងតាព្រាម ដែលស្ថិតនៅក្នុងខេត្តកំពត។

ក្លាយជាអ្នកចូលរួមចំណែកការពារបរិស្ថាន ហើយបានធ្វើអំពើសប្បុរសធម៌ទៀត ។

ពត៌មានបន្ថែមទាក់ទងនឹងការទិញ សូមទាក់ទងមកកាន់ប្រអប់សាររបស់ពួកយើង។


GoGens ចែករំលែក (New)

Volunteer Opportunity (New) 

ទិវារំលឹកដល់ជនរងគ្រោះដោយសារគ្រោះថ្នាក់ចរាចរណ៍របស់អង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ (New) 

Go-Gens ចែករំលែក (New) 

Youth and Road Safety in Cambodia

Youth and SDGs

Recent News

គំរោងរួមជាមួយរ៉ូតារីភ្នំពេញមេត្រូ និងរ៉ូតារ៉ាក់ក្លឹប
Call For Volunteer_Go Gens 2019
The UN’s World Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims
CaMSafe Youth 2017
Youth and Road Safety in Cambodia

Our Commitment

Road Safety Promotion

Youth Empowerment and Leadership

Environment and Public Health

Why It Matters:

At least one person dies from road crashes in every 30 seconds that result in 1.25 million lives lost on the world’s roads each year. Road crashes are the leading cause of death among young adult ages 15 – 29, and about 500 children also lost their lives every day.

According to the national data on Road Crash Victims and Information System (RCVIS) 2015, there were 2,231 deaths and 5,450 severe injuries. The fatality rate per 100,000 population is 14.5 which is higher than neighboring countries such Vietnam and Lao PDR. In Cambodia, road crash deaths have doubled over the last ten years (2005 – 2015), and killed nine times more people than malaria, dengue fever, HIV/AIDS, and landmines combined.

On Earth, humans always interact with environment. The environment in which individuals live, work and relax, is determining for quality of life and well-being. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines environment, as it relates to health, as “all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related behaviors.”Human quality of life.

According to the WHO report, about 12.6 million people died because of living in an unhealthy environment. Environmental risk factors, such as air, water and soil pollution, chemical exposures, climate change, and ultraviolet radiation, contribute to more than 100 diseases and injuries.

The consequences of climate change result in heat waves, droughts, loss of sea ice and accelerated sea level rise, and more intense of storms. It threats and impacts are enormous burden.Around 3 million children under five die due to environment-related diseases each year; Diarrhea diseases claim lives of nearly 1.5 million children every year.Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and heat stress.

In Cambodia, we have already seen hotter weather and more irregular rainfall, which is predicted to be badly hit when temperatures change further.According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP),Cambodia is consistently ranked among the top ten countries most vulnerable to Climate Change, and among the three most vulnerable in Asia. Collaborative partnership and diverse capacity would prevent rapid change, and reduce negative impacts on essential things that humans need for good health, food security, quality of air and water safety.

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